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The Golden Fan Chinese Orchestra of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University successfully held "Singing the Great Motherland - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" in the winter vacation in the United States.

Release time: 2019-02-26 Author: Hits:

The Golden Fan Chinese Orchestra of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University successfully held "Singing the Great Motherland - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" in the winter vacation in the United States.

On February 9 and 11, the Jinfan Chinese Orchestra of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University held the "Singing the Great Motherland - The Series of Concerts celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China" at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the Kennedy Center for the Arts respectively。Giuseppe Sergi, President of the United Nations Association for the European Union, and some 300 international audiences attended the performance at the United Nations Headquarters. More than 1,300 American audiences attended the performance at the Kennedy Center。

I wish Chinese people around the world a happy New Year and wish the motherland prosperity

The concert series has been in preparation since 2016, planned by President Wang Dianjun, Vice President Bai Xuefeng, and prepared, created, rehearsed and conducted by Office Director Hu Jun of the Golden Sail Orchestra。The performance aims to publicize the achievements of the founding of the People's Republic and promote the patriotic spirit。

Hu Jun, director of Jinfan Folk Orchestra of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency

The first part • People are celebrating the National Day

For the audience, the orchestra presented three classical Chinese traditional music works, namely "Dragon Teng Tiger Leap", which depicts the struggling spirit of the Chinese people; "Big House Gate Freehand - Lu Gou Xiaoyue", which is full of Beijing rhyme; and "Island Ice Wheel First Turning", which shows the essence of Chinese national essence.。The wonderful song won bursts of applause from the audience。

Wang Dongyu sang "Drunken Concubine" clip

Among them, the orchestra's repertoire "Island Ice Wheel first rotation" is Hu Jun after consulting Master Mei Baojiu specially for the orchestra。Wang Dongyu, who has won the "Small Plum Flower Award" and the "First Prize of the National Opera Cup", sang in this performance。The twists and turns of the singing let the overseas audience appreciate the style of China's "intangible cultural heritage" traditional culture。

Part II • Chinese friendship is universal

This part focuses on the attitude of the Chinese people to friendly exchanges with the world in the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and consists of three works with modern musical styles, namely the famous former Soviet Union song Katyusha, the flute ensemble Chinese Friendship is Everywhere: A Musical Letter from a Student of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, and Mission Impossible.。

Wang Zhaoquan and Zhang Wenqi acted as flute leaders

The classic melody of the folk song "Katyusha" brings us back to the beautiful era of Sino-Soviet friendship。Based on the Chinese folk song "Jasmine Flower" and the Scottish folk song "Auld Lang Syne", the song "Chinese Friendship is Everywhere - A Musical Letter from a Student of Tsinghua High School" embodies the integration and development of multiple cultures。Students Wang Zhaoquan and Zhang Wenqi won the applause of the audience with their skillful playing of the flute。

Part III • Sing the great motherland

The third part shows the family feelings of Tsinghua people。The orchestra performed two patriotic music pieces arranged by Hu Jun, "There would be No New China without the Communist Party" and "Sail Away in the Eyes of Leaders".。

Performance scene

Tsinghua High School teacher Gao Shan singing

It is worth mentioning that the theme song of the concert "Sail away in the eyes of the leader" is the original work of Mr. Hu Jun, the melody is passionate, the lyrics are enthusiastic, highlighting the contemporary young people's infinite loyalty to the motherland and the enterprising spirit of fighting for national rejuvenation。

Finally, the concert ended perfectly with the song "There Would be No New China Without the Communist Party.。The sound of music, applause, sound in the ear;Love national conditions, love the party, love into the heart。

Spread Chinese culture and promote patriotic spirit

"Love the country, love the Party, love the people, spread Chinese traditional music culture in the world, and promote the patriotic spirit of contemporary youth" is the code of conduct that the Jinfan Chinese Orchestra has always adhered to。Since its establishment 16 years ago, the teachers and students of the Orchestra, with their love for folk music culture and the motto of Tsinghua University of "Self-improvement and Moral commitment", have brought more than 120 performances of different forms to nearly 230,000 Chinese and foreign audiences around the world。

今后,冰球突破豪华版网页版The Golden Fan Chinese Orchestra将贯彻习近平总书记“在文艺工作座谈会上的讲话”精神,为更多听众带来优秀的作品,让中华文化展现永久魅力。

Source: Office of Jinfan Chinese Orchestra, High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University

Text: Hu Jun Yang Yifan

Photography is by Yin Fanyu, Yuan Huanjie, Hu Yan and Gong Jinqi

Review: Bai Xuefeng Yin Fanyu Party victory Jun Yang Rui

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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