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Tsinghua High School held a New Year symposium for 2016 Alumni Association

Release time: 2016-01-17 Author: Sun Donglin Hits:

Tsinghua High School held a New Year symposium for 2016 Alumni Association

On the afternoon of January 17, the "2016 Alumni Association" New Year Symposium of Tsinghua Affiliated High School was held in the Administration Building G201。Liu Zepeng, former Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of Beauty China Public Welfare Project, Senior 62 alumnus;Pang Woon-Woon, editorial board member of Writing Night and alumnus of Grade 65;Chi Jing, Director of the Project Management Department of Tsinghua University Education Foundation and a senior 84 alumnus;Zhou Yue, general manager of Beijing Financial Intelligence Investment Consulting Co., LTD., Senior 93 alumni;Li Wei, education investor, partner of Jiuzhangge Mathematics Education and senior 96 alumnus;Alumni Association President Wang Dianjun, Party Secretary Fang Yan, Deputy Secretary Zhang Jie, Secretary-General Xie Juzhao, Deputy Secretary-General Wang Yingmin;More than 10 people, including Hou Jinke, assistant to the principal and Director of CAP Office, attended the meeting。

Forum site

At the meeting, Wang Dianjun, president and president of the Alumni Association, deployed the relevant work for the Alumni Association of Affiliated High School。With the end of the centennial celebration, the Alumni Association will continue to improve the regular communication and liaison mechanism with alumni on the basis of innovation and bold attempts.Strengthen alumni contacts and serve alumni feedback;Plan and prepare special activities with the brand characteristics of the alumni association。President Wang pointed out that the Alumni Association will carefully listen to the valuable suggestions of alumni from all walks of life, and work together to help the prosperity of the Alma mater。Although the alumni left the Alma mater after graduation, the Alma mater has always been the spiritual home of the majority of alumni。President Wang also told everyone the good news that "Tsinghua High School Education Foundation" has been approved by Tsinghua University and has started the preparation process. I hope alumni from all sectors can contribute ideas and jointly promote the development of the foundation。

President Wang Dianjun spoke

Liu Zepeng, former vice Minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Beautiful China Public Welfare Project, and senior 62 alumni, gave a keynote speech, and he told us about his experience. Liu was once deputy Secretary-General and vice minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, and member of the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC。He is enthusiastic about public welfare. In 2007, he launched the "Mountain Flower" Project Fund, which was used to fund professional training and cultural education for the tennis "Mountain Flower" team composed of 12 Yunnan minority girls。During the 2010 session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Liu Zepeng also proposed that new civil servants should first volunteer to teach in western China for a year。2014年4月,Liu Zepeng was elected as the chairman of Beautiful China, a non-governmental non-profit charity project,Beautiful China's vision is: to enable all Chinese children,Regardless of birth,All have access to the same quality education,Beautiful China's influence model includes: sending excellent teachers to areas with poor education resources;Develop future leaders who are committed to the long-term struggle to address the imbalance in educational resources。

On the occasion of the centennial anniversary of his Alma mater, Liu Zepeng, an alumnus, actively contacted and coordinated with all parties, and entrusted the Century Dongfeng International School located in the Olympic Park to Tsinghua High School, which became the current Orson Campus of Tsinghua High School。The move strengthens the international influence of Tsinghua High School。Mr. Liu sent a message to the teachers and students of his Alma mater, the spirit of "self-improvement" of Tsinghua Affiliated High School should be kept alive in generations of students, and after entering the society, the positive energy of socialist core values should be used to influence more people and make greater contributions to the society。

Liu Zepeng alumni (left) spoke

Pang Woon, the editorial board member of Writing Night and a Grade 65 alumnus, recalled the youth he spent with his alumni Shi Tiesheng and Chen Xiaoyue,With a small story vividly told for everyone in the loess plateau of northern Shaanxi to the countryside when jumping the queue,The educated youth of the High School attached to Tsinghua University have overcome many difficulties with enthusiasm and efforts,Won the unanimous praise of the local fellow villagers,In that distant Qingping Bay to write a moving chapter。

Pang Woong Alumni (left) made a speech

Chi Jing, director of the Project Management Department of Tsinghua University Education Foundation and a senior 84 alumnus, introduced the purpose and operation mode of Tsinghua University Education Foundation, and expressed his willingness to contribute his own strength to the development of the Alma mater education foundation, providing consulting, preparation and other services。

Chi Jing alumni speak

Zhou Yue, general manager of Beijing Finance and Wisdom Investment Consulting Co., LTD., and a senior 93 alumnus, recalled the good times when she was studying at the Affiliated High School, thanked her teachers for her kindness, and hoped to have the opportunity to serve her Alma mater in the future, and use her professional advantages to provide support for the subsequent development of the Tsinghua Affiliated High School Education Foundation。

Zhou Yue alumni speech

Li Wei, an educational investor, a partner of Nine Chapters Mathematics Education and a senior 96 alumnus, hopes that the future development of the alumni Association can adopt some novel models, such as crowdfunding and other interactive models conducive to the development of alumni careers, which will attract more alumni to participate in the work of the alumni Association。

Li Wei alumni speech

The purpose of the Alumni Association of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University is to strengthen the ties between the Alma mater and alumni at home and abroad, enhance friendship, carry out educational, scientific research, academic and cultural exchanges, and encourage alumni at home and abroad to make innovations in their respective careers, and jointly contribute to the prosperity and development of the Alma mater and the prosperity and progress of the motherland。

After the meeting all the big photo

The Education Foundation of the High School attached to Tsinghua University for improving the conditions of running schools and raising the level of running schools;Attract outstanding talents and strengthen the teaching staff;Strengthen alumni contacts and serve alumni feedback;Set up a scholarship fund,Support innovation and innovation;Strengthen exchanges and cooperation,Promote leapfrog development,We will work closely with the Alumni Association of Affiliated High School,Jointly committed to the long-term development of Tsinghua Attached High School。

The convening of this meeting has undoubtedly formulated a more explicit and clear goal for the next stage of work, and laid the foundation for the long-term development of the alumni association and the foundation。

Audit: Xie Juzhao, Wang Yingmin

Hou Jinke

Edit: Archives Room

时间:2016-01-17 17:36

Source: Alumni Association, Education Foundation

Author: Sun Donglin

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